Professional Development

The fundamental purpose of staff development is to improve student learning. The intent of the legislation is that schools and districts implement a site-based process for both educational goals and staff development opportunities that will best help meet these goals. Providing teachers and other school district staff with individual and professional organizational growth and development opportunities prepares them to provide excellent educational experiences for students, and ultimately helps achieve the fundamental purpose of improving student learning. The New Prague Area School is committed to providing the most up to date and efficient staff development opportunities for its staff.

According to Minnesota Statute 122A.60, staff development outcomes must be consistent with local school board education goals. The New Prague Area School district's plan must include ongoing staff development activities that contribute to continued progress toward these goals:

  1. Improve student achievement of standards using best practice methods
  2. Meet the needs of a diverse student population
  3. Provide an inclusive curriculum
  4. Improve staff collaboration and develop mentoring and peer coaching programs
  5. Teach and model violence prevention policy and curriculum
  6. Provide site-based teams with appropriate management and financial skills

High Student Achievement is a District 721 Priority. Through our efforts to be a premier school district and achieve high student achievement for all our students we are committed to developing and supporting professional learning communities throughout our district. A professional learning community (PLC) is defined by these characteristics:

  • A solid foundation consisting of common mission, vision, and values
  • Collaborative teams focused on student learning that works interdependently to achieve common goals
  • Foster positive and supportive relationships
  • Focus on results with a commitment to continuous improvement
  • A Professional Learning Community is built on solid foundations which consist of a common mission, vision, and goals

The following goals have been put into place to direct our Professional Staff Development for staff resulting in High Academic Achievement for students.

District Staff Development Goals

Goal A: New Prague Area Schools Staff Development will improve the learning of all students by deepening skills, content knowledge, and providing research-based instructional strategies necessary to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards in a safe, orderly and supportive learning environment.

Goal B: New Prague Area Schools will build capacity of staff to function as a Professional Learning Community by giving each PLC time monthly to meet, collaborate, and share data.

Goal C: New Prague Area Schools will improve the connections and relationship among district communities and students served by the district. Staff development will provide staff with knowledge and skills to involve families and other stakeholders appropriately. All staff, not only teaching staff will be provided with updated and Best Practice information on positive relationships from adults to students throughout the school year.

Goal D: New Prague Area Schools will increase technology integration and support technology skill development to better prepare our students' 21st Century Skills by providing ongoing Professional Development in the area of technology both in the summer and also during the school year.


  • Professional Development for all certified teaching staff through Solution Tree.
  • National Speaker, Anthony Muhammed in our District November 6, 2015.
  • District Professional Development days in summer and school year.


Professional Learning Community Staff Survey.

The process of focusing on student learning will help teachers, parents, and students clarify the specific knowledge, skills, and dispositions that students should acquire as the results of their student learning. Part of our plan is to identify our beliefs and our expectations of what we want students to learn.