Professional Development
Professional Development is offered throughout the school year and, throughout the summer on a variety of topics to help teachers implement new teaching strategies, classroom management techniques, and gather helpful ideas on integrating technology into the curriculum.
With a commitment to providing high-quality services that support improved student achievement, the New Prague Area Schools provides professional development for all staff to assist in meeting rigorous academic standards in a safe, orderly, and supportive learning environment. This development will help the learning of all students by deepening skills and content knowledge while providing opportunities to individualize and improve our instruction to support best practices.
NPAS Professional Development
Scheduled Times
School Year Professional Development Offerings
Staff under the teacher contract can register through Frontline Management System and, will be paid $16.70 per hour.
Click here for Tip sheet and FAQ's about Frontline.
Questions? Contact Julie Schmitz @ 952-758-1741 or [email protected]
Summer Professional Development