IMPORTANT! Transportation for regular education students can be found on Campus Portal. Busing information will be updated daily on Infinite Campus. Your child's transportation information on Campus Portal will not be active until approximately one week prior to the start of school.
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Unless there are changes in transportation needs, New Prague Area Schools parents/guardians are no longer required to fill out a transportation registration form annually.
Please, do not register online for summer school transportation.
A registration form must be filled out for new students, including kindergartners, or if there are transportation changes. If there are no changes to your transportation needs from the previous year, DO NOT fill out a registration form. ALL students must be registered whether they need transportation or not. If there are ANY changes needed in busing, parents/guardians must complete a transportation registration form for each child. Some examples of changes are: change in daycare, split family – such as a divorce, student is no longer riding am and/or pm route, student is now driving himself/herself, etc.
If a student will not be riding, simply select "no transportation needed". We can then optimize bus route pick-up and drop off times for those students that will be riding the bus.
All registrations must be done online and submitted electronically. If you do not have access to the internet, you may complete a hard copy of the form at the bus garage located at 105 7th St. NE, New Prague. These will be the only requests that will be accepted; emails and phone calls are no longer an option.
Register Online
Please, DO NOT fill out a registration form if there are no changes to your transportation needs from the previous year.
Register In Person
New Prague Area Schools
Bus Garage
105 7th St. NE
New Prague, MN 56071
Eligible students who are not pre-registered for bus service can be added to a route at any time during the school year. Please allow up to 5 business days for additions or changes to transportation schedules.
Open enrolled students attending New Prague Area Schools will typically be offered transportation only on routes that serve resident district students. Please refer to District Policy 707 concerning walking distance; students in grades K-5 is .5 miles and students in grades 6-12 is 1 mile.
Busing information can be found on your child's Campus Portal. Please remember that your student should be at their stop at least five (5) minutes prior to the pick-up time. All transportation is based on five (5) days per week.
Parent Handbook
Regular Education Transportation Registration/Change of Address Form
Attendance Boundary Policy and Map
For answers to school district transportation, bus routes or busing needs, email Mr. Steve Trcka, or call at 952-758-1480.
Emergency School Closing
School may be closed in the event of extreme weather conditions or emergency circumstances. Official announcements will be made over radio stations WCCO 830 AM and KCHK 1350 AM. KSTP-TV Channel 5 and KARE-11 display our school closings/late starts also. School closings will also be posted on our web site. For more information about school closings, follow this link.
Due to fast changing weather conditions, it may be necessary to send the children home early. Parents should remain alert to weather conditions throughout the day when early dismissal may be possible. These closings will be announced by radio stations normally used for weather announcements.
Middle School Bus Information
Rule and discipline procedures relating to the bus are included in the Parent Handbook. State laws prevent the school from overloading buses. Parents are requested to make arrangements for transportation of their children to parties and overnight visits. All students will take their assigned bus home from school each day unless arrangements have been made between the student and the parent for someone to pick them up. Students who live within one (1) mile from their school and who do not have to cross any designated hazards, will not have bus transportation and are classified as walkers. Reference District Policy 707.
Elementary School Bus Information
Rule and discipline procedures relating to the bus are included in the Parent Handbook which is sent home to each family. State laws prevent the school from overloading buses. Parents are requested to make arrangements for transportation of their children to parties and overnight visits.
All elementary students are transported by bus to and from school, with the exception of those students who live .5 miles or less from their school and do not have to cross any designated hazards. Those students will not have bus transportation and are classified as walkers. Reference District Policy 707.
All students will take their assigned bus home from school each day. Only in emergency situations are students allowed to ride different buses. Students must bring parent notes to the office by nine thirty a.m. if they are requesting a change of bus or drop off point. Parents wishing to pick their children up after school are requested to notify the school office by two o'clock p.m. so that necessary arrangements can be made.