Teacher Resources

 Teaching in a digital learning environment requires knowledge and skills in a wide variety of educational tools and strategies. Use the buttons below to utilize these resources effectively and efficiently in your classroom. Contact your Tech Integration Coach for additional help.

Remind students to always conduct themselves as good digital citizens by adhering to the following:

   Respect Yourself

Show respect through your actions. Select online names that are appropriate. Use caution with the information, images, and other media that is posted online. Carefully consider the personal information you share about yourself.

   Protect Yourself

Ensure that the information, images, and materials posted online will not put you at risk. Do not publish personal details, contact details, or personal activity schedules. Immediately report any inappropriate behavior directed at you while online. Protect your passwords, accounts, and resources. Never share this information with others.

   Respect Others

Show respect to others. Do not use electronic mediums to antagonize, bully, harass, or stalk people. Adherence to the New Prague School District Bullying Prohibition Policy (514) is required.

   Protect Others

Protect others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications. Avoid unacceptable materials and conversations.

   Respect Intellectual Property

Request permission to use copyrighted or otherwise protected materials. Properly cite the use of websites, books, media, etc.

   Protect Intellectual Property

Do not use pirated software or distribute music or media in a manner that violates license agreements.