
TIP Sheets & Frequently Asked Questions

Frontline is used for a variety of employee services such as: Absence Management, Professional Growth, Time & Attendance

  • Absence Management (formerly Aesop) is used by certified staff to report absences, request substitutes, and track personal/sick days.
  • Professional Growth (formerly KeepCertified) is designed to help certified educators track their Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Login to review your license number, expiration date, total clock-hours, completed categories, and remaining requirements. KeepCertified also allows staff members to request additional CEUs, register for TIES classes, and enroll in district workshops.
  • Time & Attendance (formerly VeriTime) is a web clock used by hourly employees for capturing in and out times as they occur and electronic timesheets for tracking hours worked per pay period.

If you already have a Frontline account, do the following: 

  1. On the Staff Resources page, click the Frontline button.
  2. Enter your Frontline username and password.
  3. If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot your password? link.
  4. If you have trouble logging in, contact Amanda Koloc.

Continuing Education: CEUs & Relicensure

Human Resources
Amanda Koloc

Academic Services
Julie Schmitz

Early Childhood
Jennifer Weichert

Eagle View
Jennifer Weichert

Falcon Ridge
Lisa Luskey

Raven Stream
Stacy Hemann

High School
Michelle Scharpen

Middle School
Tracy Helgerson

St. Wenceslaus
Becky Smisek

Holy Cross
Nancy Heinen

CEUs for in-district PD workshops are automatically added and approved to your Frontline account. You will not receive a CEU certificate or need to request CEU clock-hours for in-district PD workshops. To register for in-district PD classes, follow the steps on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP Sheet: Frontline - Register for NPAS PD Workshops

Yes. If you registered for an in-district PD class, but are no longer able to attend, you can drop your registration by following the Drop Your In-District PD Class Registration section on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP Sheet: Frontline - Register for NPAS PD Workshops

After attending a workshop, conference, or class, submit the CEU Request Form by following the steps on the linked TIP Sheet. All CEU requests must be submitted online.

TIP SheetFrontline - CEU Request Form

The Continuing Education Committee no longer accepts paper forms or documentation. All CEU requests must be submitted via Frontline for approval. If you do not work for New Prague Area Schools and do not have a Frontline account, please contact Amanda Koloc at the District Office:

Yes, as long as the submitted request is still pending. To edit a pending request, follow the Modify a Pending CEU Request section on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP SheetFrontline - CEU Request Form 

Yes, as long as the submitted request is still pending. To delete / drop a pending request, follow the Delete / Drop a Pending CEU Request section on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP Sheet: Frontline - CEU Request Form

To review your approved CEUs follow the Review Your Approved CEU Clock-Hours section on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP SheetFrontline - CEU Request Form

MN PELSB (Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board)

NPEM Continuing Education Committee Update (Jan. 2019) 

MN PELSB (License Renewal Conditions - Feb. 2024) 

MN PELSB requires educators to receive continuing education in eight (8) categories: 

  1. Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies
  2. Accommodations, Modification and Adaptation of Curriculum, etc.
  3. Reading Preparation
  4. Key Warning Signs for Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents
  5. Suicide Prevention Training
  6. English Language Learners
  7. Cultural Competency (3 CEUs)
  8. American Indian History and Culture
Yes, college coursework counts toward clock hours. One (1) quarter credit equals 16 clock hours and one (1) semester credit equals 24 clock hour credits.
No, the NPAS Continuing Education Committee is no longer accepting paper request forms or documentation. All CEU requests and documentation must be submitted electronically via Frontline.
You can request your previous district to upload your credit hours to MDE. Your previous district may also issue you a letter documenting credits earned which can be sent to Amanda Koloc at [email protected].

NPEM Continuing Education Committee Update (Jan. 2019) 

MN PELSB Tiered Licensure (infographic) 

AFTER January 1st of your renewal year, log into Frontline and verify the following:

  • 125 CEUs from at least two categories.
  • CEUs from the 6 required categories.

On the 30th of each month from November – June, Amanda Koloc will submit verification to MDE. This will indicate which educators in the NPAS Frontline system have met all the licensure requirements. If you submit CEU requests after January 1st of your renewal year, you must wait until after the 30th of that same month for the verification to be processed.

  1. Click the MN PELSB link.
  2. Log in with your MN PELSB user account (click the Sign in with Google button) and follow the renewal instructions.
  3. When your new license arrives, send one original license to Amanda Koloc at the district office. At that time, your Frontline account will be cleared and you may start earning CEUs for your next cycle.

Staff Development: Out-of-District Conferences & Workshops

Academic Services
Tony Buthe

Academic Services
Julie Schmitz

Eagle View
Melissa Giles

Falcon Ridge
Danielle Immerman

Raven Stream
Jennifer Larson

High School
Jane Dittberner

Middle School
Elizabeth Hertzfeld

Out-of-district conferences or workshops must be approved by the Staff Development Committee. To submit a request, complete the Conference Travel Form by following the steps on the linked TIP Sheet. All out-of-district conference/workshop requests must be submitted through Frontline.

TIP SheetFrontline - Conference Travel Form

Yes, as long as the submitted request is still pending. To edit a pending request, follow the Review or Modify a Pending Conference Travel Form section on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP SheetFrontline - Conference Travel Form

Yes, as long as the submitted request is still pending. To delete / drop a pending request, follow the Delete / Drop a Pending Conference Travel Form Request section on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP SheetFrontline - Conference Travel Form

Professional Growth: Goal Setting, Peer Reviews, & Observations

There are three (3) Goal Setting forms required to complete the annual goal setting process. To submit the forms, follow the steps on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP SheetFrontline - Goal Setting

Tenured (Year 1 and Year 2) teachers are required to complete a Peer Review observation process. There are three (3) Peer Review forms in this process. To submit the forms, follow the steps on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP Sheet: Frontline - Peer Review (Tenured Year 1 & 2)

Tenured (Year 1 and Year 2) teachers complete a Peer Review observation process. Tenured (Year 3) teachers complete the more formal principal observation process. If you are unsure of your current evaluation year / cycle, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Log into your Frontline account... select the Professional Growth module
  2. On the left-menu, click the My Info > ... My Evaluations options
  3. Click the Evaluation 07/01/20## - 06/30/20## link... the display will expand
  4. Your year / cycle will be displayed next to: Evaluation Type

There are three (3) forms associated with the observation/evaluation process (pre-observation, teacher observation, and post-observation). To access and submit the forms, follow the steps on the linked TIP Sheet.

TIP SheetPrincipals - Observations & Evaluations