Annual Fee / Process

Chromebook Banner
All middle and high school students are required to use the district-issued Chromebook and submit the Annual Technology Use & Support (Chromebook) Fee at the beginning of each school year. Returning 6th-12th grade students keep their Chromebooks through the summer. Incoming 6th grade students receive their same (5th grade) device from their advisor during the first week of school. Incoming 9th grade students will exchange their current device for an updated Chromebook during the first week of school.
1Step 1: Agreement Form
Please review the Agreement Form.
2Step 2: Technology Use & Support Fee
Submit the ($30) annual payment online.
  1. Log into the Campus Parent portal
  2. On the left menu, click Fees
  3. Under School Year, select 2024-2025
  4. Locate the Chromebook - Annual Tech Fee
    (Note: This will appear on August 5, 2024)
  5. Click the Add to Cart button
  6. In the upper-right corner, click My Cart
  7. Enter your Payment Method information
  8. Click the Submit Payment button
3Step 3: How do I receive my device?
NPMS students keep their Chromebooks through the summer months. Students use the same device throughout their middle school years. 6th grade and new students will receive their Chromebooks during their first week of Homeroom.
1Step 1: Agreement Form
Please review the Agreement Form.
2Step 2: Technology Use & Support Fee
Submit the ($30) annual payment online.
  1. Log into the Campus Parent portal
  2. On the left menu, click Fees
  3. Under School Year, select 2024-2025
  4. Locate the Chromebook - Annual Tech Fee
    (Note: This will appear on August 5, 2024)
  5. Click the Add to Cart button
  6. In the upper-right corner, click My Cart
  7. Enter your Payment Method information
  8. Click the Submit Payment button
3Step 3: How do I receive my device?
NPHS students keep their Chromebooks through the summer months. Students use the same device throughout their high school years. Incoming 9th-grade students exchange their middle school devices for an updated Chromebook during the first week of school. New students receive their devices in the NPHS media center.
Important: The form & fee listed in the steps above must be submitted online prior to the student receiving his/her Chromebook. Devices cannot be checked-out to students who have not submitted the annual fee. For your convenience, we encourage you to complete this task prior to the start of each school year. Review the FAQs page for more information.